Monday, 13 February 2023

Vogue 73 Questions With Zoë Hughes, Bureau de Chaos

Let's pretend I'm being interviewed for Vogue!

Flo the clown is pulling a gace directly to camera. She has orange hair and a red nose and sparkly green eyes.

*On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now?*

Fifteen. The stars are aligning.

*Describe yourself in a hashtag?*


*If you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be?*

Michael Sheen. Although I think I'd die of adoration. 

*If your life was a musical, what would the marquee say?*

"When life gets difficult, she writes emails!"

*What’s one thing people don’t know about you?*

They know it, but they forget, I am a lighting designer!

*What’s your wakeup ritual?*

Spotify Daily Drive. A river of coffee. Stretching like a cat.

*What’s your go to bed ritual?*

Falling asleep on the sofa 😅

*What’s your favorite time of day?*


*What is one thing no one knows about you?*

I sometimes have phases where I pour golden syrup on everything I eat.

*Dream country to visit?*


*What’s the biggest surprise you’ve had?*

My son! That's not to say he was any less wanted. But boy was he a surprise! The best surprise of my life. 

*Heels or flats/sneakers?*

Depends on my mood! Heels for clown, sneakers for Zoë.

*Vintage or new?*

Vintage. Or new but handmade. 

*Who do you want to write your obituary?*

Charlie Brooker.

*Style icon?*

Gilly Shine off of the Instagrams.

*What are three things you can’t live without?*

My phone, my family, my friends, (euw gross. Mean it though!)

*What’s one ingredient you put in everything?*

Chilli flakes.

*What 3 people living or dead would you like to make dinner for?*

Charlie Chaplin, Eric Morecambe, Aitor Basauri, (although I'd be terrified. In a good way! Like a respectful abject fear 🤣)

*What’s your biggest fear in life?*

Hahahahaha fear of disappointing my heroes.

*Window or aisle seat?*


*What’s your current TV obsession?*

That Physical 100(?) show on Netflix. Korean reality strength/physicality contest.

*Favorite app?*

Daylio. Hands down.

*Secret talent?*

I can smell spirits. (I don't mean vodka.)

*Most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?*

Run off to London to study clown!

*How would you define yourself in three words?*

Tenacious, determined, kind.

*Favorite piece of clothing you own?*

Sunflower dungarees.

*Must have clothing item everyone should have?*

Dungarees. If you don't have them, y'all are missing out.

*Superpower you would want?*


*What’s inspiring you in life right now?*

Everything. Particularly my son, my partner and other clowns.

*Best piece of advice you’ve received?*

If you can't be funny, be beautiful.

*Best advice you’d give your teenage self?*

Stop chasing boys, please.

*A book that everyone should read?*

Reasons to Stay Alive, Matt Haig.

*What would you like to be remembered for?*


*How do you define beauty?*


*What do you love most about your body?*

That it's a smokin' hot mum-bod 👍 

*Best way to take a rest/decompress?*

Meditate or nap.

*Favorite place to view art?*


*If your life were a song, what would the title be?*

Song About The Sky. Obvs.

*If you could master one instrument, what would it be?*


*If you had a tattoo, where would it be?*

I have tattoos all over the shop already. I'd love new ones on my forearms now I've accepted I am allergic to conventional employment 🤣

*Dolphins or koalas?*


*What’s your spirit animal?*

Moth. Or red panda.

*Best gift you’ve ever received?*

My son, (I know, sickening, but it's true.)

*Best gift you’ve ever given?*

The gift of love, empowerment, acceptance. 

*What’s your favorite board game?*


*What’s your favorite color?*

Emerald green.

*Least favorite color?*

Mucky brown I guess? I think I like all the colours!

*Diamonds or pearls?*


*Drugstore makeup or designer?*


*Blow-dry or air-dry?*


*Pilates or yoga?*


*Coffee or tea?*

Do you really need to ask? ☕ 

*What’s the weirdest word in the English language?*

Obelisk. First word that entered my head.

*Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?*


*Stairs or elevator?*

Stairs. Gotta get them gains.

*Summer or winter?*

Summer. Winter. Wait, I want both!

*You are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat?*


*A desert you don’t like?*

Anything with warm raisins. Just no.

*A skill you’re working on mastering?*

Network marketing 🤣 A girls gotta live/eat!

*Best thing to happen to you today?*

Waking up.

*Worst thing to happen to you today?*

Waking up to a Monday.

*Best compliment you’ve ever received?*

You are very funny, you remind me of a young Dawn French.

*Favorite smell?*

Ooohhhhhhh... festival field grass and humans and outdoor electrical equipments. 

*Hugs or kisses?*


*If you made a documentary, what would it be about?*


*Last piece of content you consumed that made you cry?*

Gilly Shine telling me I'm doing okay.

*Lipstick or lip gloss?*


*Sweet or savory?*

Both. At the same time. Ungh.

*Girl crush?*

Hahahahahaha. Uhm... ohhh there's this wrestler. Cannot remember her name. But them thighs!

*How you know you’re in love?*

Instinct. Oh, and I'll usually make a playlist.

*Song you can listen to on repeat?*

GMF, John Grant.

*If you could switch lives with someone for a day who would it be?*

Prime Minister. I would stir that pot ooooooo.

*What are you most excited about at this time in your life?*

Finding the bits of me that were hiding and expressing them.

*Your go to for having a good laugh?*

Realising the ways people have been trying to back me into a corner ever. Nobody puts Zoë in the corner. Well they try, but then I realise, it makes me laugh, and I leave the stoopid corner.

*Your affirmation for today?*

Leave the stoopid corner 🤣❤️

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